Galway in Days Gone By
Galway in Days Gone By

National Volunteers’ growth
At the dawn of day on Tuesday morning, as a cargo steamer, loaded with general merchandise, was putting into Galway harbour, she was held up by the second-class cruiser Diamond (Commander Dundas) and examined for contraband arms and stores.
After a most searching examination, she was permitted to proceed to port. The Congested District Board’s boat, ss. Granuaile, is also said to have been held up before being allowed into the docks.
Commander Dundas, who is cruising the western coast from Galway to Donegal, is keeping a most vigilant watch on all class of craft. The cruiser, which is in almost continuous communication with Whitehall and Dublin Castle, has confined her attention almost exclusively to Galway Bay for the last three days. At present the second-class cruiser, Falmouth, is keeping guard over the Bay.
In view of the report that arms were landed in Connemara from America with the last month, it is a significant fact that the Maam Valley Volunteers have been notified that they can obtain arms upon application, and as soon as they are deemed efficient to carry them.
The University Corps of the Volunteers are armed with miniature B.S.A. rifles, and some excellent marksmen have already been trained.
Little bidder
When a beautiful specimen of Connemara pony was being auctioned at Ashford livestock sales on Friday, five or six people started to bid. The bidding had reached ten guineas when a little girl ran out in front of the auctioneer, and, putting up her hand in schoolroom fashion, whispered shyly “eleven pounds”.
The crowd immediately arose to the occasion and there were shouts of “leave him to the little girl”. There were no further bids, and the hammer fell on the child’s bid.
She was Miss Josephine McGuinness, thirteen-year0old daughter of Mr. R.J. McGuinness, Castlebar. A ‘Connacht Tribune’ reporter learned that the pony originally cost £30. He was nine years old.
Value of human life
Judge Wyse Power remarked at Thursday’s sitting of the Galway Circuit Court that it was an interesting commentary on the value placed on human life in these days that, instead of being indicted for trying to take his life, a man from Headford-road, Galway, was indicted for setting fire to a dwelling house, the property of Galway Corporation.
The accused man pleaded guilty. His solicitor, Mr. L.E. O’Dea said that on February 21, McDonagh was not in his proper senses; he was, in fact, blind drunk. Not alone did he set fire to the bed in the house, but he went into the bed when he set it on fire.
The man was addicted to drink at the time, but he had since taken the pledge and there was a letter from his parish priest to that effect.
Replying to a question by his lordship, Mr Kelly (State Solicitor) said that no real damage had been done to the house. It appeared the man’s object was to commit suicide. His wife said her husband was alright now and worked fairly regularly.
His lordship discharged the accused under the Fist Offenders’ Act.
For more, read this week’s Connacht Tribune.
Connacht Tribune
Galway In Days Gone By

Gloom after war
The special correspondent of the “Independent”, who has been writing of the aftermath of civil war in the West, notes that a feeling of apathy, due to the uncertainty of events, exists amongst the sorely-tried people of Connemara; that politics are referred to only with disgust and that not more than fifty per cent. of the people would vote at a general election; that poverty and unemployment are rife, and there is a growing tendency towards emigration; and that there are bitter complaints of the huge impost of rates and taxes.
It is only too true that there is enough of material for the pessimist to brood over, and that a feeling of gloom permeates country towns. But it is a poor tribute to patriotism that has survived such horrors to encourage this gloom.
It is the duty of all of us to get this pessimism out of the national body and to rid ourselves of the notion that we have not enough Christianity and moral sense left to restore our people to cheerful and ordered progress and industry.
For more, read this week’s Connacht Tribune.
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Connacht Tribune
Galway In Days Gone By

Peace negotiations
As we go to press, An Dáil is discussing the Peace negotiations between the Government and Mr. de Valera. It was announced on Wednesday for the first time that such negotiations were begun following Mr. de Valera’s “cease fire” proclamation of April 27, and that by the 30th of the month Senators Andrew Jameson and James Douglas were asked by him to discuss proposals.
They said it was for the Government to discuss; they could only confer. Into the ensuring conferences the Government declined to enter personally, but on May 3 the senators placed before Mr. de Valera the Cabinet’s terms, which were that future issues should be decided by the majority vote of the elected representatives of the people, and that as a corollary and a preliminary to the release of prisoners, all lethal weapons should be in the custody and control of the Executive Government.
Mr. de Valera relied to this on May 7 with a document in which he agreed to majority rule and control of arms, but added that arms should be stored in a suitable building in each province under armed Republican guard until after the elections in September, that the oath should not be made a test in the councils of the nation, and that all political prisoners should be released immediately on the signing of this agreement.
“You have brought back to us,” wrote President Cosgrave, “not an acceptance of our conditions, but a long and wordy document inviting debate where none is possible”.
For more, read this week’s Connacht Tribune.
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Connacht Tribune
Galway In Days Gone By

State of the parties
Speculation as to parties after the next Irish elections is exceedingly interesting, especially in view of the enlarged franchise.
In Dublin, the view appears to be held by a number of people that Labour will make a great bid for power.
Dublin, however, has a curiously insular habit of thought where matters that concern all Ireland and in which Ireland has a say are concerned. We hope this insularity will rapidly disappear under the new conditions.
The country as a whole is backing the Farmers’ Party, and has not the smallest doubt that it will be the strongest combination in the next Dáil, and that it will oust the purely political parties, the one because it has resorted to force, the other because it has been compelled to use force to supress force, and the Labour Party because Ireland feels that at the back of its policy lurks the danger of Communism.
For more, read this week’s Connacht Tribune.
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