Led by Limerick man Brían McNamara, Warsaw Radio come to The Loft in Seven, Bridge Street, Galway City, this Saturday, March 25. The show is part...
Groove Tube with Jimi McDonnell – tribunegroove@live.ie American pop/rock songwriter Mike Scala comes to The Loft, Bridge Street next Friday, September 11, and Monroe’s Live on...
Multi-instrumentalist Tom Portman will celebrate the launch of his new album White Crow with a show in The Loft in Seven Bar, Bridge St next Thursday,...
Blues/roots rockers The Deans play The Loft in Seven, Bridge Street on Saturday, June 13. The Deans are Gavin Dean, Gary Keon and Ronan Lally. Now...
The uniquely Irish Tradiohead play The Loft (formerly Kelly’s) on Bridge Street on Friday, April 17. Tradiohead take the songs of Radiohead and re-imagine them using...