A man who stole a beard shaving set from TK Maxx to win a bet has been given time to pay €200 to the court poor...
A shoplifter who held a scissors to a store manager’s chest in a threatening manner, will avoid a five-month jail term if he is deemed suitable...
A mother and daughter got into a struggle with security staff after they were caught pushing a laden trolley out of Dunnes Stores in Briarhill without...
A shoplifter has been sentenced to four months in prison for taking a suitcase from a shelf in Penneys and packing it with clothing before leaving...
A security guard was uninjured after lying across the bonnet of a car to prevent a drunken shoplifter from leaving a store car park. The driver,...
The city’s retail community has been put on ‘red alert’ for drug addicts and other criminals shoplifting in the lead-up to Christmas, potentially costing tens of...
A young mother who was using a bag of heroin a day and was found with €3,000 of the drug stashed in her bedroom would have...