Lifestyle – A multi-media show celebrating the role played by Gaeltacht regions in inspiring the Rising opens in Galway’s Town Hall Theatre next week. Judy Murphy...
Descendants of Patrick Whelan, Galway’s only 1916 Rising fatality, are disappointed they weren’t told of a ‘U-turn’ not to include his name in a commemorative plaque...
Plans to dig up an unofficial 1916 stone in Mervue have been shelved – for now – but the area is set to get another commemorative...
Campaigners have again called for a 50-years-old plaque commemorating Éamonn Ceannt to be returned to the façade outside the city’s railway station. The plaque, which celebrates...
A small but dedicated Galway group – aiming to highlight the role of Liam Mellows in the Easter Rising – will hold a series of events...
Owners of designated bogs in County Galway have vowed to commemorate the centenary of the 1916 Easter Rising – by cutting turf! Campaigners are adamant they...
A grandniece of Éamonn Ceannt – and representatives of the 1916 Proclamation signatory’s home village of Ballymoe – were among the special guests at Galway marked...
The Galway Food Festival, which takes place over the Easter Bank Holiday Weekend in 2016, will this year have a strong flavour of history. In tandem...