Almost 8,000 people are waiting more than a year for an outpatient appointment at Galway’s public hospitals. 7,828 people were waiting more than 12 months to...
Chaos in Galway’s hospitals, manifesting itself in unsafe and chronic overcrowding of Emergency Departments – at UHG and Portiuncula – can be eased with more beds,...
The Minister for Health will announce the go-ahead for a new Emergency Department (ED) at University Hospital Galway (UHG) during a pre-Christmas visit to the city...
There were 25 ‘serious incidents’ at Galway’s three public hospitals last year in which patients died, or suffered serious harm, during procedures. Some 16 of these...
The Saolta group of public hospitals, including three in Galway, had a budget deficit of €23 million in 2015 – despite getting a multi-million Euro bailout...
More than €700,000 was paid out last year to private ambulance operators for non-emergency transport for patients at UHG, Merlin Park and Portiuncula hospitals. Fine Gael...
Inspectors are concerned at the high incidence of bacterial infection at Portiuncula Hospital, which can result in devastating illness for patients. An unannounced inspection of the...
The Minister for Health and his department officials have been warned – hands off Portiuncula Hospital’s Emergency Department. Local politicians have been queuing up this week...