Páraic Breathnach’s latest show, The Macnas is on Me, which premiered at the Vodafone Comedy Carnival in October, is back. The piece, by the Macnas Theatre...
Galway City Tribune – One of the architects of Galway’s high standing as a city of the arts and artists is fearful its reputation could be...
REVIEW BY JUDY MURPHY Páraic Breathnach’s latest show, Straight Outta Connemara, is billed as stand-up, but really it’s more storytelling. Not that it suffers for belonging...
Páraic Breathnach’s comic odyssey through mad, mental Connemara continues when his new show Straight outta Connemara goes on a skirmish into Moycullen, playing at the Forge...
Páraic Breathnach, Macnas co-founder and currently manager of Galway Arts Centre is a man who doesn’t like the word ‘can’t’. So when Kevin Healy, of Galway...