New safety railings are to be erected around Galway Docks as part of a compromise between the Harbour Company and City Council. The Harbour Company had...
A former Mayor of the city is hoping that it won’t turn out to be a tall tale . . . as he embarks on a...
A bumper calendar of events next June could see thousands descend on Galway Harbour, marking a return to the carnival atmosphere last witnessed during the two...
Galway Harbour has been given a reprieve of 18 months to ‘swim or sink’. Transport Minister Pascal Donohue has confirmed that he will ‘hold off’ on...
Galway Harbour Company will today begin to devise compensation measures it proposes to implement to offset the adverse impact its expansion plans will have on protected...
D-Day for Galway Harbour is looming – An Bórd Pleanála is due to announce its decision on the proposed redevelopment of the docks next Friday, September...
As An Bórd Pleanála continues to deliberate over the proposal to transform Galway Harbour, the Taoiseach has been asked to intervene to ensure the project gets...
The Bord Pleanála decision on the planning application to redevelop Galway Harbour has been delayed again. A spokesperson for the planning appeals board said the decision...