“A deeply personal film, and not something I expected myself to make,” is how actor and film-maker Michael-David McKernan describes How to Fall in Love in...
This year’s Galway Film Fleadh will take place from July 7-12 and it’s all online due to the Covid-19 pandemic. It will have ten world premieres...
Galway Film Fleadh is now accepting entries for its annual Pitching Competition, which will be held online this year due to Covid-19 restrictions. The closing date...
Fans of Galway Film Fleadh won’t be congregating at the Town Hall Theatre or the Pálás this July to see the best of Irish and international...
The Galway Film Fleadh, which takes place from July 10-15, will host masterclasses with actor Andrew Scott; writer and director Madeleine Olnek and screenwriter Ed Solomon....
The Junior Galway Film Fleadh, which will run from Wednesday November 8 to Sunday November 12, will focus on the science of cinema with filmmaking workshops,...
It was a remarkably successful year for the Galway Film Fleadh with sell-out screenings and increased ticket sales for its programme of Irish and international premieres....
Galway Film Fleadh, which will run from July 11-16, is currently accepting entries for its annual Pitching Competition. Ireland’s longest-running film pitching competition is aimed at...