A shock draft report has recommended that Ballinasloe’s 24-hour Emergency Department should close overnight. And the leaked Saolta Hospital Group report suggests Portiuncula Hospital be downgraded...
World of Politics with Harry McGee – harrymcgee@gmail.com Whenever a new government is formed it will be our equivalent of Dagen H. That was the day...
The last time that Enda Kenny set foot in Tuam, he was jeered and heckled by around 100 water charges protesters, but when he returned to...
Taoiseach Enda Kenny stands accused of speaking with forked-tongue on the Emergency Department at University Hospital Galway – he says it’s not fit for purpose and yet...
World of Politics with Harry McGee – harrymcgee@gmail.com No election in November but make no mistake the election campaign is already underway. The last Fine Gael...
World of Politics with Harry McGee – harrymcgee@gmail.com What an awful – and unnecessary – palaver that was about the timing of the general election. Ministers...
Taoiseach Enda Kenny has launched the new Enterprise Ireland €200,000 Competitive Feasibility Fund for the West Region. The Fund, which can provide up to €25,000 per...
The Taoiseach has been asked to personally step into the controversy over the planned city bypass road — and call a halt to the whole project....