Lifestyle – Judy Murphy meets Mick Crehan, who has spearheaded a unique festival to celebrate 1916 leader Éamonn Ceannt He may have left Galway when he...
The world’s biggest coffee shop chain has plans to erect its signage on Ceannt Station – just feet from the spot campaigners battled for the return...
Campaigners have again called for a 50-years-old plaque commemorating Éamonn Ceannt to be returned to the façade outside the city’s railway station. The plaque, which celebrates...
A grandniece of Éamonn Ceannt – and representatives of the 1916 Proclamation signatory’s home village of Ballymoe – were among the special guests at Galway marked...
A festival in honour of the only Galway man who was a signatory to the 1916 Proclamation of Independence will be the flagship event next year...
The city’s heritage officer has called for the return to the façade of Ceannt Station, a missing 50-years-old plaque that commemorates a local hero of the...
Galway preparations for the official commemoration of the 1916 Easter Rising will be ratcheted-up in the coming months. Galway’s two local authorities are planning a series...
Lifestyle – Judy Murphy meets the author of a new biography on key 1916 figure Éamonn Ceannt Although Éamonn Ceannt was just two years of age...