From this week’s Galway City Tribune – The 20% reduction in bus fares has been welcomed by Mayor Colette Connolly but she has now called for...
Bus Éireann’s decision to make Galway the country’s first city with an entirely hybrid bus service last year has seen diesel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions...
IT’S time to cry halt as regards the dismantling of services in the West of Ireland, according to a senior farming representative – following the latest...
Residents in Kilrickle are planning a series of ‘lightning strike’ protests over the coming weeks as they bid to have the village’s bus stop restored. Villagers...
Bus Éireann has launched an investigation into alleged racist behaviour by one of its drivers towards nine passengers who are asylum seekers living in Direct Provision....
Talks are ongoing between Bus Éireann and the National Transport Authority on the provision of night-time bus services in South Connemara. Deputy Éamon Ó Cuív met...
Bus Eireann’s decision to cut fares from several of the county’s towns into Galway city in the run-up to Christmas has infuriated local businesses, who have...
Only 10% of Galway City’s roads are dedicated bus lanes, which is causing a “serious deterioration” in Bus Éireann’s ability to fulfil its timetables. Regional Manager...