One of Ireland’s best short-story writers, the award-winning Danielle McLaughlin, embarks on the next chapter of her career by launching her debut novel, The Art of...
Readers following the series of Kapheus books for pre-teens need wait no longer for the latest instalment which will be launched in Galway next week. Kapheus...
One of the country’s leading destinations for bookworms and readers has been officially recognised as the top independent bookstore in Ireland. Charlie Byrne’s Bookshop on Middle...
Galway’s libraries were owed more than €50,000 in late fees when fines were scrapped earlier this year. It was revealed last month that fines were axed...
An eighteen-year-old writing sensation from Galway – who became an author at the age of twelve – is set to build on the success of her...
A Different View with Dave O’Connell It may have gone under the radar for all bar bookstore owners and bookworms but it’s now almost a month...
A young boy in giant ‘pollinator suits’ addresses the reader on the first page of Gold, the debut children’s novel from Galway author Geraldine Mills. Starn...
Gort author Lisa McInerney is in no danger of getting a swelled head after winning the UK’s most prestigious fiction award for woman authors for her...