Soup, a new show that explores grief in an Irish context, using live art and physical theatre, will be performed in an intimate setting in the...
Some of the leading names in local, national and international theatre will appear onstage at the city’s Town Hall and Black Box Theatres between now and...
Actor Phelim Drew will be in the Black Box Theatre this Friday, June 17, to give a special reading from Flann O’Brien’s classic, The Third Policeman....
The Village, a play with music and dance, will be staged in an intimate setting at the Black Box Theatre next Friday, May 20, at 8pm....
“It’s a bit like Marmite,” jokes theatre director and creator Róisín Stack about her latest show, Also for Roaring, which takes place in the Black Box...
Beyond the Barricade – the hit musical theatre tour comes to Galway’s Black Box Theatre, this Friday, November 2. Recreating original West End and Broadway hit...
The new performance space earmarked for the Dyke Road car park in time for Galway’s 2020 European Capital of Culture designation would likely spell the demise...
Fifty members of Galway Community Circus, aged between 12 and 20, will present their new show, CirComics, at the Black Box Theatre on Friday and Saturday,...