Arts Week with Judy Murphy Neurologist Niall Tubridy and his better-known younger brother, Ryan, enjoyed one of their regular trips to Clifden last week. Broadcaster Ryan...
Arts Week with Judy Murphy Spotless, written by TV and theatre writer Gary Duggan, which stars Ciara O’Callaghan and Emma Willis, is coming to the Town...
Arts Week with Judy Murphy Spring is in the air as The Dirty Circus is launching its brand-new burlesque and cabaret show, April Showers, at Galway...
Arts Week with Judy Murphy Aaron Monaghan, who is familiar to Galway theatre audiences for his many superb performances with Druid Company, returns to the Mick...
Arts Week with Judy Murphy Kate Kennedy is taking a walk on the Cliffs of Moher when she answers her mobile phone to the Tribune. The...
Arts Week with Judy Murphy Twenty years ago, when Anne McCabe was working as a producer/director with RTÉ, she was involved in seeking funding for a...
Arts Week with Judy Murphy One of the UK’s most innovative and exciting composers, Sarah Nicolls, will be in Galway next weekend performing her latest piece,...
Arts Week with Judy Murphy Booker Prize winning Nigerian author Ben Okri, international spoken-word poets Patricia Smith and Rafeef Ziadah, acclaimed American novelist Joshua Cohen, Ireland’s...