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Stay safe and talk if you’re feeling ‘down’ farmers are advised




FARMERS across the West of Ireland have this week been asked to put safety, mental health, and proper insurance cover against injuries, at the top of their priority list over the coming months.
A special effort is being made this year to make older farmers more aware of the dangers that they face on a daily basis as they carry out their routine farm tasks.

The Farm Safety Authority and the IFA have launched a DVD entitled, ‘Older, Wiser and Safer’ concentrating on three main areas of safety for older farmers. The key points of the DVD are:
To be aware of their limitations such as not being as mobile as they used to be.

Their machines may be old so they need to be properly maintained and serviced.

 Medications could be impacting on them in relation to such things as response times.

Maura Canning, of the Irish Farm Family and Social Affairs Committee, told the Farming Tribune that it was easy for many farmers to think that an accident ‘will never happen to me’

“We have to face up to the fact that farms can be very dangerous places with livestock, powerful machinery and slurry pits all hazards in their own way.

“Children, as well as older people can be especially at risk – that’s why it is so important that everyone takes the responsibility and puts in place measures to reduce the risk on our farms,” said Maura Canning.

She also made a special appeal this week for farmers who are feeling stressed or a bit down, not to bottle up their feelings and to talk to someone in confidence whether it be a relative, neighbour or their GP.

The Chairperson of the Galway Farm Family Committee said that the See Change organisation – set up to try and remove the stigma from mental health problems – had set aside May as ‘green ribbon’ month to get more conversations going on this issue.

See Change, the IFA and Coillte have organised a series of walks across the country during May to highlight the issue – one of these goes ahead at the Forest Park in Portumna on Sunday, May 12 at 3pm.
The green ribbon will be recognisable symbol in relation to talking more openly about mental health problems.

IFA have been working with See Change and Mental Health Ireland for the last few years to encourage farmers to look after their mental health.


Farmers losing out on beef grading machines



Deputy Denis Naughten

Beef farmers could be losing up to €168 per head due to the lack of accuracy on mechanical beef grading machines in meat plants across the country.

That’s according to local Deputy Denis Naughten, on foot of figures he obtained on the accuracy of these beef grading machines.

The figures show that Department inspectors have found machines to be out by a factor of at least 10% on 119 occasions over the last 18 months

Deputy Naughten pointed out that the legal tolerance limit set for beef grading machines currently in use in meat plants is a mere 60% accuracy.

Even though the Department inspectors found them to be out by at least 10% on 119 occasions, on only eight occasions was mechanical grading suspended because the machines had to be getting the grades wrong on four out of every ten cattle.

“The mechanical grading machines in use in beef plants across the country today were first trialled and tested 20 years ago by Teagasc,” said the Roscommon/Galway TD.

“At that time google was just invented and people needed an encyclopaedia if we wanted to look something up.

“Technology has changed a lot in 20 years and we now need new hi-tech beef grading machines and new modern rules to operate them so they can accurately reflect the actual grade of the animal. These new rules then need to be properly enforced by Departmental officials to ensure that farmers will not be exploited,” he added.

See full story in this week’s Farming Tribune. The Connacht Tribune is on sale now, or you can get our digital edition here.

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Farmers urged to take part in Brexit seminar



Farmers urged to take part in Brexit seminar

GALWAY farmers and IFA members have been asked to consider attending next Monday’s special seminar on the Brexit issue to be held in Goffs, Kill, Co. Kildare.

A number of high profile speakers will address the seminar including EU Agricultural Commissioner, Phil Hogan; the Minister for Agriculture, Michael Creed; IFA President Joe Healy as well as senior representatives from the Irish meat industry.

The conference – that runs from 9am to 4pm – is open to all IFA members, although booking is essential in order for the organisers to ‘get a handle’ on the numbers attending. An attendance of about 600 farmers is expected.

Galway-Mayo IFA Regional Officer, Roy O’Brien, told the Farming Tribune that Brexit was the single biggest issue facing the agricultural industry in Ireland over the coming months and years.

“We are looking at a UK market which takes a large percentage of our agricultural produce – what we desperately need is for this market outlet to stay open to us without any tariffs being imposed.

“Ireland does have a special relationship with the UK but we really need to press this issue home with our own political representatives, the EU and Britain as well.

“We’ve all seen over recent months the impact that currency fluctuations alone can have on markets, so the last thing we need is any form of tariff being applied to our exports to Britain,” said Roy O’Brien.

For more, read this week’s Connacht Tribune.

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Celebrating half a century of co-operative spirit



Attending the celebrations of the opening of Kilconnell co-operative (now part of Arrabawn) fifty years ago

The 50th anniversary of a game-changing moment for the dairy industry in the county – which saw the development of co-operative milk processing facilities in Kilconnell – was marked with a gathering of founding members and others associated with the plant and the former Midwest Farmers Co-op last week.

Held in Kilconnell Hall, Friday night’s event was one of deep nostalgia as the establishment of the plant in Kilconnell was recalled but also one with a strong sense of positivity for the future as the plant’s as one of Ireland’s finest was equally celebrated.

The journey commenced over 50 years ago with the decision to develop a central creamery in Kilconnell and three separating stations in Athenry, Athlone and Clonberne, which were to be operated by Kilinaleck Co-op.

The Co Cavan co-op had won the tender to develop the facilities but such was the transformative effect it would have on dairying in East Galway that supply would quickly outgrow the Cavan co-op’s capacity and lead ultimately to the establishment of Midwest Farmers Co-op.

According to Brendan Lynskey, a retired dairy farmer synonymous with Kilconnell and Midwest Farmers Co-Op, the existence of a state-of-the-art facility today at the East Galway plant is testament to the foresight and hard work 50 years ago and more of those involved in the then fledgling dairying community.

“As one farmer put it to me all those years ago, not long after the co-op was up and running, we would never be short of a pound after this. It was a different time. A big dairy herd back then was 30 cows and some people were happy to milk five or six cows and leave the can out on the side of the road for collection.

“The start at Kilconnell was a great time and I worked there for a number of years.  There was an awful lot of farmer involvement to get that up and running and the key moment probably was a meeting in Athenry at which it was decided that Kilconell would be the central location and that we would have three separation stations.

“The projected cost of the creamery at the time was €120,000 for Kilconnell and €60,000 to install the additional equipment. That might not do much today but it was an awful lot of money back then and we were up and running in ’66.  The building of it was mostly manual work. I don’t think there was any ready-mix at the time, it was all done manually. There was very heavy concrete work because there was an old time churn with a big base so it needed a lot of concrete,” he recalled.

But it wasn’t long, he continued, before Kilinaleck Co-op would no longer have the capacity to handle growth at Kilconnell.

For more of the history and background of the co-op see this week’s Tribune here

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