Author Róísín O Donnell’s new travel book Home Place, Heart Place brings the reader on a journey around Ireland, visiting well-known and less-renowned areas, accompanied by...
Country Living with Francis Farragher On one of the dying mornings of January as I listened to Marty Whelan on Lyric FM while stuck in the...
After the 1916 Rising in Galway was quashed, its leader Liam Mellows and two companions found refuge in a remote hilly area south of Gort. Mellows...
Country Living with Francis Farragher Political correctness was never a term I was familiar with as a kid, and maybe just as well, thinking back on...
1923 Training ex-soldiers A meeting of the committee of Galway Technical Institute was held on Tuesday, Mr. Eraut presiding. The secretary, Dr. Webb, stated that there...
1923 Islanders’ distress A correspondent sends authentic particulars of distress prevailing in the Islands of Aran. There is extreme poverty in Inishmore, especially in Killeany; large...
A unique collection of photos and writings that capture life on Aran and Ireland’s other offshore islands during the early years of the 20th Century and...
Country Living with Francis Farragher Memory is a strange old business and sometimes quite an uncomfortable investigative process with the passing of years. We all tend...