The Schola Cantorum, a unique and ambitious choral initiative at Galway’s St Nicholas’ Collegiate Church, is the subject of a new radio documentary to be broadcast...
Fox Jaw return to Galway with a show in Róisín Dubh on Thursday next, November 6. The hard-rocking yet slick Limerick based band have just released...
The award-winning musical, Over the Rainbow, based on the life of singer and guitarist Eva Cassidy, will be performed in Galway next Monday, November 3. Nicole...
Tom Terrell, a Canadian folk singer with serious writing chops, plays Monroe’s Live this Sunday, November 2. He has just released his latest, self-titled album which...
TV Watch with Dave O’Connell It was the year of Bloody Sunday and the Godfather; Sandy Jones singing Ceol an Ghrá and Thin Lizzy belting out...
Songwriter and fiddle player Tony Trundle will launch his latest recording, Winter Swimming, in Monroe’s this Saturday, October 24. Tony, who grew up in Newry and...
Autumn has arrived, and so too have several new collections of poetry including Mickey Finn’s Air by Gerald Dawe (Gallery Press) and The Truth and Other...
Jake Clemons, a touring member of Bruce Springsteen’s E-Street Band, will return to Róisín Dubh on Monday, November 3. Clemons played the Dominick Street venue last...