The Man from Moogaga, which was among the hit shows of the recent Vodafone Comedy Carnival, is being revived for a special show in Cong this...
Six critically acclaimed traditional and folk musicians from Ireland, Scotland and Sweden will play the City’s Crane Bar on Thursday, January 8, as part of a...
Arts Week with Judy Murphy When it comes to panto, there is nothing like a dame, and when it comes to dames, there is nobody like...
Groove Tube with Jimi McDonnell Two of the biggest names in Irish music returned to the scene in 2014 and made their entrance in some style....
There’s live ballet from Moscow this Sunday, December 21, at the Eye Cinema in Galway’s Wellpark when the renowned Bolshoi Ballet present The Nutcracker. This Christmas...
Dublin band Kíla bring their fluid, sometimes riotous, fusion of world music and trad to Monroe’s Live on Monday, December 29. The band’s most recent album...
A new show by Olwen Fouéré and an autobiographical exhibition from the renowned French-American artist and sculptor Louise Bourgeois are being co-produced by Galway International Arts...
Spending your twenties playing rock and roll music,and touring around Europe while living in France sounds like a daydream, yet that’s just what The Deans are...