Dublin-based band Cloud Castle Lake will play a free show at the Róisín Dubh next Thursday, March 26. The band is a trio, consisting of former...
Enter Metropolis, a German rock quintet, play Monroe’s Live on Sunday, March 29. The band formed two years ago when Florian Muller (guitar), Paul Gostenmeier (bass),...
Indie rock band Ham Sandwich make a welcome return to Róisín Dubh on Friday, April 10. The band have just released their latest single, Fandango, taken...
Galway Theatre Festival, which up to now has taken place in Autumn, has new dates and will take place this year from May 1-9. The event...
“The neighbourhood is gone to hell,” was the reaction from several locals when Druid Theatre moved into its Chapel Lane premises off Quay Street in the...
Jigjam, a blazing bluegrass trio from Offaly, play Monroe’s Live this Saturday, March 14. The band are Jamie McKeogh (lead vocals, tenor banjo, guitar, mandolin), Daithí...
English indie-rock band Echotape play Monroe’s Live on Sunday, March 15. Echotape was formed in 2011by a group of like-minded people from the music scene from...
Hermitage Green will play Kelly’s on Tuesday night, March 17, supported by local band, The Clockworks. The Limerick based five-piece formed in July 2010 as a...