The Abbey Theatre’s production of Sean O’Casey’s The Plough and the Stars, directed by Olivier award-winning director Sean Holmes, comes to Galway’s Town Hall Theatre next...
In honour of the late, great Prince, The Loft Venue will host a special screening of the seminal pop star’s acting debut in 1984’s Purple Rain,...
Band of Friends will celebrate the music of Donegal legend Rory Gallagher in Monroe’s Live on Friday, June 3, with two original members of the rock...
BY OLWEN DAWE In the wake of the recent Cabinet announcements, and more specifically, the creation of a department for Regional Development, Rural Affairs, Arts and...
A five-year sponsorship deal with the city’s St Anthony’s & Claddagh Credit Union has guaranteed that Druid’s annual FUEL mentorship programme for emerging artists can continue...
Groove Tube with Jimi McDonnell – The rock/alt-folk outfit Windings will play Róisín Dubh next Thursday, May 26, to celebrate the release of their excellent...
Arts Week with Judy Murphy The company that stormed into the finals of Britain’s Got Talent and then became a West End smash hit, is marking...
An exhibition of etchings from celebrated English artist Norman Ackroyd, including some of his iconic seascapes, will be shown during Inish and the artist will give...