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A Different View

Going all to pieces over exchanging sign of peace



Members of the Hession School of Irish Dancing performing at the Pearse Stadium last Sunday, during a fund raiser for the World Irish Championships, before the Galway v Clare first round game in the 2015 Allianz National Hurling League.

A Different View with Dave O’Connell

Don’t say you’ve never experienced it either – that Sunday at Mass when you’re minding your own business and someone you don’t know comes in with the sniffles beside you.

And then they use the back of their hand to clear the twin streams heading towards their upper lip….the same right hand they intend using when it comes around to offering the sign of the peace.

With that one involuntary hand movement, they have unwittingly thrown you right off your Christian stride.

Because whatever revelations might drop from the mouth of the priest over the next half hour, all you can think of is what has already dropped from the nose of your new neighbour.

You know deep down that he’s just a good Catholic with nothing more contagious than a common cold – but he didn’t use a tissue and the clock is now inexorably ticking towards the time you have to shake his snotty hand.

Could you politely decline the sign of peace on the grounds that you’ve a busy week ahead and have no wish to spend it in the throes of an unnecessarily acquired cold?

But then you look like a pariah because you’re supposed to be coming up to a state of grace, and yet here you are refusing to shake hands with a fellow worshipper in front of the entire Church?

There isn’t time or opportunity to explain your reason anyway; it’s just a simple shake and a quick mutter of ‘peace be with you’, not a chat over a glass of wine at a dinner party.

So you know you’ve no option and yet the more you try to put it to the back of your mind, the more it remains front and centre.

You find yourself watching out of the corner of your eye to check if he’s gone and wiped his nose with his hand again; if he’s picked his ear or coughed into his fist – and the priest might have revealed the Fourth Secret of Fatima during his sermon but that’s not what’s bothering you ten seats from the altar.

You try to internalise so that you get over your Howard Hughes moment; people have been sneezing into each other’s space for centuries without a heavy death toll.

Our forefathers didn’t have electric showers – indeed many of them only had a shared tin bath once in a blue moon – and they didn’t die from hygiene issues.

This poor man has nothing more deadly than a runny nose and a dearth of tissues; he no more wants to use his hand for this purpose than you want to shake it.

And then the consecration is over and the priest is speeding towards the sign of peace; you’re like a common criminal heading towards the hangman.

So you offer him the handshake with a big smile, overcompensating for your 30 minutes of bad thoughts or any negative signals you might have given off by grinning like you have loose wiring or screws.

For more, read this week’s Connacht Tribune.

Connacht Tribune

If you don’t know who you are, the door staff have no chance



Dave O'Connell

A Different View with Dave O’Connell

The only time in your life that you should ever utter the words: “Do you know who I am?” are if you’ve just had a bang on the head or you are unfortunately suffering from dementia.

Because, otherwise, the phrase ‘do you know who I am’ only serves to make things a whole lot worse.

Normally, the phrase is unleashed towards late night door staff on a wave of alcohol – and never once in the history of time has it produced the result the utterer had intended.

The doorman may well know who you are which is often the very reason you’re not getting into the place in the first instance – or if he doesn’t know who you are, he won’t be unduly influenced when he does, unless you’re a famous movie star or his long-lost cousin.

‘Do you know where I am?’ might often be closer to the phrase you’re looking for, because that would serve you well when you’re looking for a taxi.

‘Do you know who I am?’ is a threatening phrase that in truth wouldn’t frighten the cat. But if you’re anxious to dig the hole a few shovels deeper, you should follow up with ‘I’d like to speak to your manager.’

Managers can be elusive at the best of times, but they’re normally rarer than hen’s teeth when it comes to the small hours of the morning – and even if they’re there, they are most likely watching proceedings on CCTV…just so they know who you are, in case you yourself can’t remember.

‘I’d like to speak to your manager’ suggests that you and he or she are from the one social sphere which is several strata north of the one occupied by door staff.

For more, read this week’s Connacht Tribune.

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Connacht Tribune

Eurovision is just a giant party that could never cause offence



Dave O'Connell
Dave O'Connell

A Different View with Dave O’Connell

As it turned out, we were much closer to a Eurovision win than we could ever have imagined – not Ireland, of course, because we’ve now mastered the art of just sending cannon fodder to be blown out in the semi-final.

No, this was just two of us – myself and our eldest – who were lucky enough to be at Anfield for the Reds’ recent win over Brentford, where positioned in the seat right in front of us were four happy lads from Finland.

One of them, we now know, was Käärijä, the singer of the catchiest song at Eurovision, Cha Cha Cha.

But just a week before 7,000 people sung his catchphrase at the Eurovision Arena, he and two his mates – accompanied by an older bloke who had to be either his dad or from the national broadcaster – sat anonymously in the same corner of the lower level of Anfield’s Main Stand.

He was utterly unknown to us as well of course, and the only thing that saw him stand out was his green nail varnish. Live and let live, of course, but it still ensures that you make an impression even if it looks like you were just very late for St Patrick’s Day.

Käärijä may well be Liverpool’s greatest Scandinavian fan, although the bar for that is set fairly high, given that they invade the city in greater numbers every two weeks than the Vikings did just once during the first millennium.

Equally, he may not be a football fan at all – although, as the rest of the week proved, he sure loves a crowd.

Positioned as we were in the corner of the Main Stand, the next section to us, around the corner in the Anfield Road Stand – currently adding a top layer – was occupied by the visiting Brentford supporters.

For more, read this week’s Connacht Tribune.

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Connacht Tribune

Tapping is contactless – but it’s soulless too



Dave O'Connell
Dave O'Connell

A Different View with Dave O’Connell

Contactless payments reached a record €17.9 billion in Ireland last year – up by 31 per cent on 2021, as people came out from under their Covid shell and appear to have left their cash behind them.

Figures from the Banking & Payments Federation found that – despite the cost-of-living increases – the Irish public made three million contactless payments a day, worth an average of €53 million in the final quarter of 2022.

Given that there are 3.8 million people in Ireland over the age of 18, that means that almost every single one of us tapped the card every day last year.

And again, on the presumption that there are a few who still prefer peeling a fifty off a wad of notes, the true figure may be even higher, as we eschew actual money every time we go into a restaurant, bar or shop.

Then comes the monthly morning of reckoning when you open your statement – electronic of course because, like paper money, banks don’t deal in paper statements anymore either – and your guilty secrets unfurl like a rap sheet before your very eyes.

Five taps of a Friday night in the local, followed by a five-ounce burger meal on the way home.

And just why did you need a family-pack of crisps when a small bag would have done? Was all that beer and wine really for a party, or a night in just for one?

Cash provided plenty of dark corners to ignore your profligacy, but there are no hiding places in the contactless world.

Worse still, until that morning of reckoning arrives, you’ve no clue how much you’ve spent, and handing over the card doesn’t hurt half as much as parting with hard cash.

For more, read this week’s Connacht Tribune.

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