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FINAL TALLY: Broderick set to top poll in Ballinasloe



The completed Ballinasloe tally shows that Timmy Broderick (Ind) will top the poll on more than 2,300 first preferences followed by Fianna Fáil’s Michael Connolly.

But the main talking point is the performance of the two candidates in the new part of the Ballinasloe area around Glenamaddy and Williamstown which had previously been in the Tuam area before last year’s boundary revision.

Fine Gael’s Peter Keaveney and independent Declan Geraghty are set for success in this six-seater which is a major achievement on their part.

Both candidates said that during their campaign that they encouraged the public to keep their votes local and it proved successful.

It was thought unlikely that there would be two seats on that end of the electoral area but they defied the odds in that regard.

It is expected that Sinn Féin’s Dermot Connolly will take the fifth seat with the Fine Gael pair of Aidan Donohue and Michael Finnerty along with independent environmental campaigner Aisling Dolan in Ballinasloe vying for the last seat.

At the moment in Leisureland, the Loughrea boxes are all opened and the tally is ongoing. The opening of the Tuam boxes has also commenced.


Eighth count Ballinasloe LEA: Three new faces as count reaches conclusion



Independent environment candidate Aisling Dolan picked up one of the last three seats in the Ballinasloe LEA as the count reached its conclusion.

That came after Glenamaddy’s Peter Keaveney was elected having exceeded the quota – and as independent Declan Geraghty from Williamstown also secured his seat.

Earlier Tim Broderick (Ind), Michael Connolly (FF) and Dermot Connolly (SF) also retained their seats on the Ballinasloe Municipal Council.

Cllr Keaveney had previous served in the Tuam area before the boundary changes will implemented last year which brought Glenamaddy and Williamstown into the Tuam area.

There were casualties when Fine Gael’s Michael Finnerty and Aidan Donohue lost their seats and, obviously, they were bitterly disappointed with the outcome.

It means that there will be three new faces on the Ballinasloe Municipal Council.

Finnerty and Donohue along with Connemara’s Tom Healy are the only sitting councillors to lose their seats so far but there are expected to be further casualties in the Tuam electoral area where counting is now taking place.




Number of seats: 6

Electorate: 23,513

Total poll: 13,462

Spoiled votes: 211

Total valid poll: 13,251

Quota: 1,894


First count

Timmy Broderick (Ind) 2,362

Michael Connolly (FF) 2,168

Peter Keaveney (FG) 1,632

Declan Geraghty (Ind) 1,541

Dermot Connolly (SF) 1,387

Aisling Dolan (Ind) 1,082

Aidan Donohue (FG) 845

Michael Finnerty (FG) 697

Mike Kelly (FF) 511

Ken Campbell (SD) 407

Harriet Bruce (Ind) 311

Kenneth O’Brien (FF) 308


Broderick and Connolly elected



Second court

(Distribution of Broderick’s surplus)


Peter Keaveney (FG) (+19) 1,651

Declan Geraghty (Ind) (+39) 1,580

Dermot Connolly (SF) (+113) 1,500

Aisling Dolan (Ind) (+60) 1,142

Aidan Donohue (FG) (+99) 944

Michael Finnerty (FG) (+23) 720

Mike Kelly (FF) (+25) 536

Ken Campbell (SD) (+39) 446

Harriet Bruce (Ind) (+33) 344

Kenneth O’Brien (FF) (+18) 326



Third count

(Distribution of Michael Connolly’s surplus)


Peter Keaveney (FG) (+40) 1,691

Declan Geraghty (Ind) (+46) 1,626

Dermot Connolly (SF) (+19) 1,519

Aisling Dolan (Ind) (+18) 1,160

Aidan Donohue (FG) (+36) 980

Michael Finnerty (FG) (+13) 733

Mike Kelly (FF) (+39) 575

Ken Campbell (SD) (+10) 456

Kenneth O’Brien (FF) (+43) 369

Harriet Bruce (Ind) (+10) 354


Bruce eliminated



Fourth count

(Distribution of Bruce’s vote)


Peter Keaveney (FG) (+7) 1,698

Declan Geraghty (Ind) (+11) 1,637

Dermot Connolly (SF) (+84) 1,603

Aisling Dolan (Ind) (+99) 1,259

Aidan Donohue (FG) (+21) 1,001

Michael Finnerty (FG) (+16) 749

Mike Kelly (FF) (+34) 609

Ken Campbell (SD) (+40) 496

Kenneth O’Brien (FF) (+5) 374


O’Brien eliminated



Fifth count

(Distribution of O’Brien’s votes)


Peter Keaveney (FG) (+96) 1,794

Declan Geraghty (Ind) (+85) 1,722

Dermot Connolly (SF) (+11) 1,614

Aisling Dolan (Ind) (+16) 1,275

Aidan Donohue (FG) (+21) 1,022

Michael Finnerty (FG) (+3) 752

Mike Kelly (FF) (+84) 693

Ken Campbell (SD) (+2) 498


Campbell eliminated.



Sixth count

(Distribution of Campbell’s votes)


Peter Keaveney (FG) (+13) 1,807

Dermot Connolly (SF) (+134) 1,748

Declan Geraghty (Ind) (+19) 1,741

Aisling Dolan (Ind) (+147) 1,422

Aidan Donohue (FG) (+37) 1,059

Michael Finnerty (FG) (+32) 784

Mike Kelly (FF) (+31 724


Kelly eliminated



Seventh count

(Distribution of Kelly’s vote)


Peter Keaveney (FG) (+24) 1,831

Dermot Connolly (SF) (+184) 1,932

Declan Geraghty (Ind) (+37) 1,778

Aisling Dolan (Ind) (+149) 1,571

Aidan Donohue (FG) (+31) 1090

Michael Finnerty (FG) (+91) 875


Finnerty eliminated



Eighth count

(Distribution of Finnerty’s votes)


Peter Keaveney (FG) (+67) 1,898

Aisling Dolan (Ind) (+270) 1841

Declan Geraghty (Ind) (+30) 1,808

Aidan Donohue (FG) (+262) 1,352


Keaveney elected; Dolan and Geraghty elected without reaching the quota.





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Sixth Count Ballinasloe LEA: Connolly elected and Finnerty eliminated



Sinn Fein’s Dermot Connolly has filed the third seat in the Ballinasloe area following the seventh count and the distribution of Mike Kelly’s votes.

The count also further widened the gap between independent Aisling Dolan and Fine Gael ‘s Aidan Donohue.

With Fine Gael’s outgoing councillor Michael Finnerty now eliminated, it would take a transfer of almost 400 votes to Donohue to tilt the balance – and that is highly unlikely.

The distribution of Finnerty’s vote marks the final count in the Ballinasloe Municipal Council area – with Dolan looking odds-on the take that final seat.



Number of seats: 6

Electorate: 23,513

Total poll: 13,462

Spoiled votes: 211

Total valid poll: 13,251

Quota: 1,894


First count

Timmy Broderick (Ind) 2,362

Michael Connolly (FF) 2,168

Peter Keaveney (FG) 1,632

Declan Geraghty (Ind) 1,541

Dermot Connolly (SF) 1,387

Aisling Dolan (Ind) 1,082

Aidan Donohue (FG) 845

Michael Finnerty (FG) 697

Mike Kelly (FF) 511

Ken Campbell (SD) 407

Harriet Bruce (Ind) 311

Kenneth O’Brien (FF) 308


Broderick and Connolly elected



Second court

(Distribution of Broderick’s surplus)


Peter Keaveney (FG) (+19) 1,651

Declan Geraghty (Ind) (+39) 1,580

Dermot Connolly (SF) (+113) 1,500

Aisling Dolan (Ind) (+60) 1,142

Aidan Donohue (FG) (+99) 944

Michael Finnerty (FG) (+23) 720

Mike Kelly (FF) (+25) 536

Ken Campbell (SD) (+39) 446

Harriet Bruce (Ind) (+33) 344

Kenneth O’Brien (FF) (+18) 326



Third count

(Distribution of Michael Connolly’s surplus)


Peter Keaveney (FG) (+40) 1,691

Declan Geraghty (Ind) (+46) 1,626

Dermot Connolly (SF) (+19) 1,519

Aisling Dolan (Ind) (+18) 1,160

Aidan Donohue (FG) (+36) 980

Michael Finnerty (FG) (+13) 733

Mike Kelly (FF) (+39) 575

Ken Campbell (SD) (+10) 456

Kenneth O’Brien (FF) (+43) 369

Harriet Bruce (Ind) (+10) 354


Bruce eliminated



Fourth count

(Distribution of Bruce’s vote)


Peter Keaveney (FG) (+7) 1,698

Declan Geraghty (Ind) (+11) 1,637

Dermot Connolly (SF) (+84) 1,603

Aisling Dolan (Ind) (+99) 1,259

Aidan Donohue (FG) (+21) 1,001

Michael Finnerty (FG) (+16) 749

Mike Kelly (FF) (+34) 609

Ken Campbell (SD) (+40) 496

Kenneth O’Brien (FF) (+5) 374


O’Brien eliminated


Fifth count

(Distribution of O’Brien’s votes)


Peter Keaveney (FG) (+96) 1,794

Declan Geraghty (Ind) (+85) 1,722

Dermot Connolly (SF) (+11) 1,614

Aisling Dolan (Ind) (+16) 1,275

Aidan Donohue (FG) (+21) 1,022

Michael Finnerty (FG) (+3) 752

Mike Kelly (FF) (+84) 693

Ken Campbell (SD) (+2) 498


Campbell eliminated.


Sixth count

(Distribution of Campbell’s votes)


Peter Keaveney (FG) (+13) 1,807

Dermot Connolly (SF) (+134) 1,748

Declan Geraghty (Ind) (+19) 1,741

Aisling Dolan (Ind) (+147) 1,422

Aidan Donohue (FG) (+37) 1,059

Michael Finnerty (FG) (+32) 784

Mike Kelly (FF) (+31) 724


Kelly eliminated


Seventh count

(Distribution of Kelly’s vote)

Dermot Connolly (SF) (+184) 1,932

Peter Keaveney (FG) (+24) 1,831

Declan Geraghty (Ind) (+37) 1,778

Aisling Dolan (Ind) (+149) 1,571

Aidan Donohue (FG) (+31) 1,090

Michael Finnerty (FG) (+91) 875


Finnerty eliminated

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Sixth Count Ballinasloe LEA: Dolan extends advantage over Donohue



After six counts in the Ballinasloe area, the locally based Independent candidate and HSE employee Aisling Dolan is closing in on a seat with just a couple of counts remaining.

The sixth count saw the elimination of Fianna Fail’s Mike Kelly – and he transferred heavily to both Dolan and Sinn Fein’s Dermot Connolly.

Tim Broderick (Ind) and Michael Connolly (FF) are still the only candidates elected in the six-seater electoral area so far.

However, three of the remaining four seats are expected to be taken by Peter Keaveney (FG), Declan Geraghty (Ind) and Dermot Connolly (SF).

After that, Aisling Dolan has opened up a gap of around 360 votes over Fianna Fail’s Aidan Donohue which will be very difficult to close.

And even with the likely elimination of his party colleague Michael Finnerty, it will be extremely unlikely that he will make up the difference.

Meanwhile, the count for the Tuam electoral area is just underway.





Number of seats: 6

Electorate: 23,513

Total poll: 13,462

Spoiled votes: 211

Total valid poll: 13,251

Quota: 1,894


First count

Timmy Broderick (Ind) 2,362

Michael Connolly (FF) 2,168

Peter Keaveney (FG) 1,632

Declan Geraghty (Ind) 1,541

Dermot Connolly (SF) 1,387

Aisling Dolan (Ind) 1,082

Aidan Donohue (FG) 845

Michael Finnerty (FG) 697

Mike Kelly (FF) 511

Ken Campbell (SD) 407

Harriet Bruce (Ind) 311

Kenneth O’Brien (FF) 308


Broderick and Connolly elected



Second court

(Distribution of Broderick’s surplus)


Peter Keaveney (FG) (+19) 1,651

Declan Geraghty (Ind) (+39) 1,580

Dermot Connolly (SF) (+113) 1,500

Aisling Dolan (Ind) (+60) 1,142

Aidan Donohue (FG) (+99) 944

Michael Finnerty (FG) (+23) 720

Mike Kelly (FF) (+25) 536

Ken Campbell (SD) (+39) 446

Harriet Bruce (Ind) (+33) 344

Kenneth O’Brien (FF) (+18) 326



Third count

(Distribution of Michael Connolly’s surplus)


Peter Keaveney (FG) (+40) 1,691

Declan Geraghty (Ind) (+46) 1,626

Dermot Connolly (SF) (+19) 1,519

Aisling Dolan (Ind) (+18) 1,160

Aidan Donohue (FG) (+36) 980

Michael Finnerty (FG) (+13) 733

Mike Kelly (FF) (+39) 575

Ken Campbell (SD) (+10) 456

Kenneth O’Brien (FF) (+43) 369

Harriet Bruce (Ind) (+10) 354


Bruce eliminated



Fourth count

(Distribution of Bruce’s vote)


Peter Keaveney (FG) (+7) 1,698

Declan Geraghty (Ind) (+11) 1,637

Dermot Connolly (SF) (+84) 1,603

Aisling Dolan (Ind) (+99) 1,259

Aidan Donohue (FG) (+21) 1,001

Michael Finnerty (FG) (+16) 749

Mike Kelly (FF) (+34) 609

Ken Campbell (SD) (+40) 496

Kenneth O’Brien (FF) (+5) 374


O’Brien eliminated



Fifth count

(Distribution of O’Brien’s votes)


Peter Keaveney (FG) (+96) 1,794

Declan Geraghty (Ind) (+85) 1,722

Dermot Connolly (SF) (+11) 1,614

Aisling Dolan (Ind) (+16) 1,275

Aidan Donohue (FG) (+21) 1,022

Michael Finnerty (FG) (+3) 752

Mike Kelly (FF) (+84) 693

Ken Campbell (SD) (+2) 498


Campbell eliminated.


Sixth count

(Distribution of Campbell’s votes)


Peter Keaveney (FG) (+13) 1,807

Dermot Connolly (SF) (+134) 1,748

Declan Geraghty (Ind) (+19) 1,741

Aisling Dolan (Ind) (+147) 1,422

Aidan Donohue (FG) (+37) 1,059

Michael Finnerty (FG) (+32) 784

Mike Kelly (FF) (+31 724


Kelly eliminated



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