Galway Bay FM News Archives
Community groups face claim for wages deducted from FÁS workers
Date Published: 30-Mar-2011
FÁS workers who had their weekly allowance cut over the past 18 months may have a strong case to have the money paid back to them – but cash-strapped community groups fear that they will personally have to find the funds to meet the back pay.
And that could amount of over €1,000 per worker, leaving community bodies with claims they simply cannot pay.
One Connemara-based community development company has already been summoned to the Labour Relations Commission to explain the methodology used to cutback the allowance being paid to FÁS workers under its jurisdiction.
The state cut pay for those on FÁS schemes when the dole payments were cutback in 2009. Sponsoring bodies such as the Connemara West company – and voluntary community councils in some cases – had then to cutback the allowance to the FÁS workers accordingly. Now in a bizarre bureaucratic tangle it appears that the community company – and other sponsoring bodies – are regarded as the employer.
SIPTU has raised questions about how the cut was effected; they claim that an employee’s wages cannot be arbitrarily cut by employers under the terms of the Wages Act of 1991.
Johnny Coyne, manager of Forum a northwest Connemara based community support agency says that the sponsoring bodies are caught in a trap.
“You had no choice but to cutback; the State paid you the money to pay out to the people on the scheme…and you paid out what you got in. It was all done in good faith”.
See full story in this week’s Connacht Tribune.
Galway Bay FM News Archives
Galway has country’s largest population of young people
Date Published: 07-May-2013
Galway has a population of young people which is more than twice the national average.
According to information gathered by the Central Statistics Office, Galway’s population of 20 to 24 year olds is more than twice the national average.
The number of 25-34 year olds in Galway is also more than the norm nationally, with the two main colleges thought to be the main reason.
However immigration in Galway is much higher than in other areas at 19.4 percent, compared to the national average of 12 percent.
Galway Bay FM News Archives
Call for direct donations to city charity shops
Date Published: 07-May-2013
A city councillor is encouraging people to donate goods directly to charity shops.
It follows allegations of thefts from clothes banks in Galway and across the country in recent months.
However, cameras are in place at some clothes banks and surveillance is carried out by local authorities.
Speaking on Galway Talks, Councillor Neil McNeilis said the problem of theft from clothes banks is widespread.
Galway Bay FM News Archives
Galway ‘Park and Ride’ could become permanent
Date Published: 07-May-2013
A park ‘n’ ride scheme from Carnmore into Galway city could become a permanent service if there is public demand.
That’s according to the Chief Executive of Galway Chamber of Commerce, Michael Coyle.
The pilot scheme will begin at 7.20 next Monday morning, May 13th.
Motorists will be able to park cars at the airport carpark in Carnmore and avail of a bus transfer to Forster Street in the city.
Buses will depart every 20 minutes at peak times and every 30 minutes at offpeak times throughout the day, at a cost of 2 euro per journey.