A chartered accountant has been given a three-year suspended sentence for harassing a former colleague and his wife for over a year. Jason Naughton (42), of...
Two men have been sentenced to twelve months in prison for assaulting a man with a baseball bat and a pool cue as he walked with...
A convicted British paedophile walked free from a court in Galway this week having served two months and one week of a ten-month prison sentence imposed...
A man threatened to shoot a Garda in the head when asked for his name and address after he was caught throwing a glass bottle across...
A 50-year-old taxi driver has been convicted of assaulting a man who walked past his taxi and got into another one further down the rank. Henry...
A festival chainsaw carver claims his aggressive behaviour in the Emergency Department at UHG was caused by a blow to the head which he got when...
A heroin-addicted burglar threatened to cut a man’s throat after he was caught red-handed trying to rob the man’s business premises in Liosban Industrial Estate. Patrick...
A 30-year-old city man has been sentenced to four years in prison with the final two years suspended, for smashing a glass into another man’s face...