A Christmas present in the form of a four-year prison sentence awaits a Salthill teenager if he does not comply fully with the directions of the...
The case of a 22-year-old married man who pleaded guilty to having sex in a fast-food restaurant toilet with an underage schoolgirl three years ago may...
A father of seven who answered a knock at his front door one night, was punched and kicked by a five-man gang who threatened to place...
A Polish cannabis grower living in Mountbellew, had a double barrel shotgun and an air rifle hidden in his car to protect his lucrative drugs business...
A 23-years-old woman who punched and kicked another young woman until she was unconscious and then stole her mobile phone from her lifeless hand, walked free...
The air and sea rescue services had to be deployed to rescue a man who went into the water at Lough Atalia last month while running...
A wheelchair-bound paedophile who groomed and brain-washed his young Galway victim into thinking she was “an awful woman” and he was doing her a favour by...
A heroin addict, whom Gardai dubbed ‘the most prolific burglar in Galway city’ back in July 2009, is still living up to his infamous reputation, six...