Work to start on woods walk



The beauty of Lough Rusheen captured at the weekend by Ailish Farrelly. Readers can submit photos to

Work is to start this summer on a new woodlands walking route through lands at Rusheen.

Galway City Council is planning to clean up the roadway at the entrance to the woods, provide a new gravel pathway through the woods, fence off some areas and increase the frequency of visits by staff to address litter issues.

A gate which was erected at the entrance to the Rusheen laneway before Christmas is set to be replaced by a smaller one which will allow pedestrian access.

Last week, Galway City Council clarified that it does own lands near Rusheen Bay that had been cordoned off by the gate – it told this newspaper last month that the lands in question were private property.

Local councillor John Connolly said last week that he was informed the roadway is, in fact, in the ownership of the Council, under the same folio as the public woods at Rusheen Bay and the public lands surrounding the laneway.   An official in the Recreational and Amenity Department at City Hall said the Council plans to adjust the gate to allow pedestrian access.

“The gate itself can remain locked with property owners and Galway City Council being the only key holders. The current sign is to be replaced with a Galway City Council sign saying ‘Pedestrian Access Only’ and also some information prohibiting litter, camping, fires and dog fouling,” she said.

Councillor Donal Lyons said that work will commence in May or June this year, subject to approval by the National Parks and Wildlife Service.

“The existing lane in Rusheen is widely used by the public. However, damage is occurring to the woodland where the lane ends as walkers are traversing the woodland in various directions and inadvertently causing damage to the woodland surface.

“The proposal will see the existing lane being cleaned up and a loose gravel covering being laid along the existing route and a new route being made which is presently most widely used which will create a walkway from the existing lane leading through the woods to the Barna Road.

“It’s hoped that the new route will entice walkers to remain on the new route and thus avoiding further damage to the woodland,” said Cllr Lyons.

He said that before the Christmas, he was made aware that the gate had been erected on the lane.

“I have been informed that the gate presently in position will be replaced by a smaller gate which will allow pedestrian access to the laneway.

“I am delighted that Galway City Council Parks Woodlands Team are now progressing the new walking route which will be a tremendous asset to the local community. It will add significantly to the excellent passive recreation in the Lough Rusheen Amenity Park, the Barna Woods and Silverstrand areas,” said Cllr Lyons.



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