Women in spotlight in new drama Nine Months



‘Nine Months’ from Breaking the 4th Wall Theatre Company, will be staged at the city’s Town Hall Theatre studio space this Thursday and Friday night, June 27 and 28. It will be performed in Carrabane’s Village Theatre next Friday, July 5.

Written, devised and performed by Imelda Reynolds and Frances Moylan, and directed by Michael Irwin, Nine Months is a kaleidoscope of Irish stories which provokes the question ‘have things changed for women in Ireland?’.

It touches on contemporary and historical issues relating to pregnancy and childcare over the last 50 years, and it does this using comedy, music and movement.

Nine Months is billed by its creators as a “captivating high-energy theatrical journey with audience participation”’. They say that audiences will “experience laughter and discomfort simultaneously” in an event “where laughter is never far from tears”.

Imelda and Frances did an MA in Theatre and Drama at NUIG, where this piece received an award for academic excellence.  Based on true stories told by men and women in Galway and Mayo, Nine Months is a series of montages where individual stories are woven into a narrative, using music as the link.

The piece juxtaposes bleak and dark elements alongside the funny and absurd realities of childcare and parenting, while the comedic devices of satire, irony and parody are used to make difficult truths more palatable.

For more, read this week’s Galway City Tribune.

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