
Union leader highlights pay increase successes



Mandate Trade Union members have won more than €20 million in pay increases over the past 24 months, according to the unions’ General Secretary John Douglas.

Mr Douglas was speaking to 300 delegates at the Mandate Biennial Delegate Conference themed Making Work Pay in Killarney where he called for more workers to join unions so they could win pay rises and help the local economy.

“Mandate members in the retail sector have been very successful in achieving higher rates of pay and better security of hours since our last conference two years ago,” he said.

Mandate, which represents 45,000 retail and bar workers in Ireland, have won pay increases from Boots and Tesco (4%), Argos, Dunnes Stores and Penneys (3%), Marks & Spencer (2.5%), Brown Thomas, Superquinn (now Supervalu) and Debenhams (2%).

“Our members spend almost all of their income in local shops, restaurants, bars and other local businesses. By winning these pay increases, Mandate members have put an extra €20m spending power into the local economy, which in turn will protect existing jobs and hopefully create more decent jobs in every community across Ireland,” said Mr Douglas.

Mr Douglas, who is also the President of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions, encouraged all workers in all industries to join their union and fight for pay increases.

“Irish workers are underpaid by comparison with our European neighbours. We’re also more productive and Irish company profits are rising at a faster rate than the EU average.

“In this context, it is important that Irish workers in profitable businesses seek pay increases so we can grow the domestic economy. The only logical way they can do this is by joining a union and organising their workplaces,” he added.


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