Title nearly in the bag after United see off nearest foes



Galway United’s Edward McCarthy celebrates after scoring their opening goal in Friday's First Division clash at Eamonn Deacy Park. Photo: Joe O'Shaughnessy.

Galway United 2

Waterford FC 1

START looking for a cabinet maker, and maybe buy a tin of Brasso and stick it in the press in the office off the corridor under the stand, maybe in there behind the staples and envelopes and boxes of black and red biros (the blue ones are hard to get these days).

Ask Reaney’s of Galway about an open-top bus, and have a look around to see where you can get a flat-bed truck and a good PA system and where would the best place be to park it up for the celebration.

There is still a way to go in the race for the First Division title, but Galway United took a huge step towards landing a first piece of silverware since New Year’s Day 1997 when they took a deserved three points in the battle of the top two in Eamonn Deacy Park on Friday night.

The win sees them move 10 points clear of Waterford, a team that has now lost twice to United this season, and while John Caulfield kept a straight face as he was at pains to remind everyone after the game that there are still 23 matches to go in the season, surely deep down he knows that as long as his players don’t suffer a collective spectacular collapse, the title race is now done and dusted.

United have dropped just three points in 13 games this season: for them to slip up now would see them not only needing to drop 10 points, but for Waterford to win every single one of their remaining games in order to bridge that gap.

It is not impossible – this is sport after all, and anything can happen – but surely the ‘anything’ does not include this Galway United side throwing away the title from such a dominant position.

For more, read this week’s Galway City Tribune.

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