Connacht Tribune
Tampax ad ban an abomination to women
Health, beauty and lifestyle with Denise McNamara
So, it seems we are too sensitive to face a realistic discussion about periods.
There. I said it. Periods. And tampons. And sanitary towels.
Part of everyday life for half of the global population.
Why on earth then are we not allowed to see a telly advert that tells us how to use them?
The controversy over the Tampax ad rumbled on this week with news that the company owner, Procter & Gamble, has decided not to seek a review of the decision to ban the commercial so it’s unlikely to be broadcast again on Irish TV.
The Advertising Standards Authority for Ireland (ASAI) found the Tampax and Tea ad had ‘general offence’, after 84 complaints were initially received, which rose to 150 in total.
It noted that 83 per cent of complaints about the ad came from women.
Several complaints took issue with phrases used in the advert, including “you gotta get ‘em up there girls” and “not just the tip, up to the grip”, which members of the public found to be vulgar, embarrassing, and crude.
Some of those complaining said they found the language used to be “over-descriptive, inappropriately expressed and with excessive detail”.
Other complaints said the advert was demeaning and belittled women by implying they might be ignorant on how to use tampons correctly.
The ASAI rejected claims that it demeaned women, was unsuitable for children and contained sexual innuendo, but it did accept that the advert caused widespread offence.
A statement on Tampax’s official Twitter read: “We believe in normalising the conversation around periods through awareness, information and education. This advert was designed to address a very common usage question and to educate how to use our product correctly in a straight-talking way.”
For more, read this week’s Connacht Tribune.
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