
Talented young Galway golfer is the Ireland hero



A young Galway golfer played an instrumental part in Ireland’s success in the Boys Home Internationals last week when they took the crown for the first time in three years.

Indeed, the quality performance of Ronan Mullarney from Salthill will not have gone unnoticed and could earn him a golf scholarship to the United States.

Young Ronan earned the Irish team four and a half points out of a possible six and, more importantly, he did not lose any of his singles matches.

Ireland were playing Scotland, England and Wales in the annual tournament with four foursomes in the morning followed by ten singles in the afternoon.

In each of the rounds Ronan played alongside Sean Flanagan from Sligo – the only other Connacht man to make the team – in the foursomes and they recorded wins against Scotland and England but lost their match to Wales.

However, Ronan, in his singles matches, halved his clash against his Scottish opponent and then recorded convincing wins over his rivals from England and Wales to make it a memorable occasion for him. He won his final match 4/3 as the Irish boys captured the title.

It was one of the tightest contests in years as England actually did Ireland a favour by beating Scotland who were their nearest challengers at the start of the final day’s play at Forest Pines in Lincolnshire.

But it was also a huge learning experience for Ronan Mullarney who thrived on his first taste of international golf and stood up to the challenge.

His father Tom Mullarney, a teaching professional, and mother Nuala were in the English midlands watching their son achieve an incredible honour. 

The ginger-haired 17 year old has taken to the game of golf like ‘a duck to water’ and has represented his club to the highest level as well as representing his province.

For more, read this week’s Connacht Sentinel.


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