The Minister for Health will visit UHG “in a matter of weeks” to witness first-hand why the hospital has been deemed unfit for purpose – and...
Chaos in Galway’s hospitals, manifesting itself in unsafe and chronic overcrowding of Emergency Departments – at UHG and Portiuncula – can be eased with more beds,...
The Mayor of Galway has called on senior management of University Hospital Galway (UHG) to resign immediately following a nightmare experience in the Emergency Department over...
The family of a 93-year-old man who spent thirteen hours on a hospital trolley has opened up about the “inhumane” conditions in the cramped Emergency Department...
It will be the end of the month before the next tranche of beds are opened in the new 75-bed unit due to the difficulty in...
Work is expected to commence in the New Year on the redevelopment of the old Grove Hospital in Tuam as it is expected to reopen its...
Health Minister Simon Harris has indicated that he is willing to consider the use of Merlin Park Hospital to provide a solution to Galway’s ongoing health...
The ambulance service in Galway is being stretched past safe limits – with only two vehicles on duty for the whole of Galway City at night...