The HSE West offered only one site as a new home for Galway Hospice, it has been confirmed. Contrary to rumours circulating locally that Galway Hospice...
Plans for a new 50-bed district hospital and nursing unit in Clifden – to be completed by the end of 2021 – have already hit a...
THE reason why an X-ray unit in Clifden only carries out 87 procedures in a year – as compared to over 1,000 for a similar facility...
A woman who needs urgent surgery on her spine because it has severely bent to the side, has remained on a waiting list at University Hospital...
Around €1.5 million is to be spent by the HSE in acquiring three houses for mental health patients in Tuam – at the expense of one...
Public patients are waiting an average of almost two years for an MRI scan in Galway – with more than 2,400 people on the list. And...
The Health Minister has finally formally approved the design of a new Emergency Department for University Hospital Galway – but still stopped short of committing money...
More than 2,500 patients waited longer than 24 hours to receive treatment in the Emergency Department at University Hospital Galway last year, internal records have revealed....