No of Seats: 5 Electorate: 103, 704 Total poll: 64,759 Spoiled: 488 Valid poll: 64,271 Quota: 10, 712 FIFTH COUNT: Distribution of Charity transfers Cuív,...
Michael Fitzmaurice is now 348 votes short of the quota on the fourth count which saw Renua’s Ann Farrell eliminated. Her 616 votes are now being...
Nobody was elected on the third count in the Roscomon-Galway constituency when just 88 votes were distributed. It looks like Michael Fitzmaurice may have to wait...
No of Seats: 5 Electorate: 103, 704 Total poll: 64,759 Spoiled: 488 Valid poll: 64,271 Quota: 10, 712 FOURTH COUNT: Distribution of Holohan transfers Cuív,...
Fianna Fáil took 24.3 per cent of first preference votes in Galway West, up 3.8 per cent on their 2011 result – with sitting TD, Eamon...
The two big losers in Galway West compared with 2011 were Derek Nolan and Fidelma Healy Eames. The first preference share of the vote won by...
While the outcome was never in doubt, the scale of the victory of Roscommon’s loyal crusader Denis Naughten raised more than a few eyebrows among political...
It’s nearly all over in the Galway East Constituency with just one count remaining . . . it is one of the earliest counts to...