Country Living

Striving in vain for that perfect world of Utopia



That vain search for Utopia. Cartoon: New Yorker.

Country Living with Francis Farragher

In the second half of the alphabetical guide to all things past and present, the realities of the New Year are beginning to dawn on us. The war in Ukraine; escalating energy cost; and fears of a global recession seem to dominate the headline but maybe there are just a few silver linings here and there.

M is for a word called meditation and the benefits it can deliver from just a few minutes. I got ‘hooked’ after reading a book called Mind Full from comedian and radio presenter, Dermot Whelan. Initially, I thought all pie in the sky, but just a few minutes cordoned off every day for a bit of ‘me time’ can be reward.

N is for our New Year and our hopes and wishes that peace might descend on the people of Ukraine. If ever there was a stupid, pointless and savage war, this has to be it. Either Mr Putin might see the light – just a hope – or those close to him could jostle him off the seat of power. The world would be a far safer place without him.

O is for an important two words – the Oxford Vaccine – that gave us all some hope during the height of the Covid plague over two years and which we all know now as the Astra Zeneca vaccine. Like its sibling vaccines, it saved many thousands of life all over the world.

For more, read this week’s Connacht Tribune.

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