
Street drinkers could face on-the-spot fines



On the spot fines, costing as much as €1,500, to combat the scourge of public drinking and illegal beach parties in the city are to be considered by Galway City Council.

New bye-laws to control the consumption of alcohol in public places are to be put before the local authority over the coming weeks.

It is hoped that the new laws will be implemented before the summer months when drinking in public places is most common.

Last year illegal beach parties that were fuelled by alcohol actually turned families away from the beaches in Salthill.

Boozed-up youngsters were accused of causing intimidating situations for other beach users, particularly in Salthill.

The spell of good weather prompted young people to hold drinking parties on the beach and in local parks.

Now Cllr. Peter Keane has drafted a set of bye-laws which gives the Gardaí and the City Council more power when it comes to the consumption of alcohol in public places.

The proposed bye-laws will give the Gardaí the power to seize the alcohol and destroy it as well as imposing a €100 on the spot fine for the offence. Failure to pay within 21 days will result in fines of up to €1,500.

The Salthill councillor has submitted the proposal to City Manager Brendan McGrath. They will be debated at the next City Council meeting.


For more on this story, see the Galway City Tribune.


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