Archive News

Snowfall for Eyre Sq and sunshine for hoteliers



Date Published: 18-Nov-2010


Snow is set to fall on Eyre Square this evening for the official launch of the inaugural Continental Christmas Market, while the sun will be shining on Galway hoteliers, with a potential doubling of business over the next month.

Research has shown that if the market ‘lives up to the hype’, it has the potential to generate a whopping 100,000 bed nights for hotels across Galway.

Paul Gill, Chairman of the Galway Branch of the Irish Hotels Federation said: “Based on market research carried out, if it lives up to expectations, we could expect up to 100,000 bed nights over the duration of the market, that’s 50,000 room nights, but we are in a different trading environment to last year.”

Room occupancy levels normally average around 40% for November – visitors to Galway could boost this figure to 70%.

“Even a figure of 55-60% would be a huge boost,” said Mr Gill.

In all, 65 businesses from around the world will be trading in the German-style market, offering a variety of foods, drinks, toys, souvenirs and other goods.

There will be two artificial snow machines for the launch night, and the Galway City Business Association is hoping to bring the machines back, although this will depend on funding.

Paul Faller of the GCBA said: “Everything is going according to plan, and we are still confident of attracting 300,000 visits to the market, as well as generating €10m for the local economy. Hopefully, it will be an enjoyable experience for everybody.”

For more on this story, see the Galway City Tribune.


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