Galway West

Senator calls for special taskforce for city suburb



Sinn Féin Senator, Trevor Ó Clochartaigh has supported the call for a taskforce to be set up to address the need to reinstate vital community supports that have either been taken away or were never put in place for the people of Ballybane.

Speaking after meeting community representatives this week, the Galway West-South Mayo General Election candidate said the Ballybane area had been neglected for long enough.

“It is clear that the only thing that the community in Ballybane were ever prioritised for is cutbacks. This is a community with a large cohort of younger people, a very diverse population and specific social and educational needs.

“The local community are calling for a taskforce to be set up to press for specific initiatives to be taken to support their community with a funded person to co-ordinate the work and I fully support this.

“They are focussing on a realistic approach to unemployment, the need for a Community Employment scheme, a focus on homelessness and providing appropriate housing, the availability of activities for younger and older people amongst their priorities,” he pointed out.

Senator Ó Clochartaigh said funding was also needed to facilitate greater integration, support adult literacy, a horse initiative, provide homework clubs and study groups.

For more, read this week’s Galway City Tribune.


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