1923 Narrow escape A party of four men, who arrived in the village in a motor-car, engaged in a murderous attack on the barracks occupied by...
1923 Education is key This week or the beginning of next, Irish boys and girls return to school. On the work that they do there during...
1923 The evil drink At the beginning of the New Year, Very Rev. Dr. Coffey, President of the Catholic Total Abstinence Federation, writing from Maynooth College,...
1922 Blood and tragedy Few lovers of Ireland will weep for the passing of 1922. The footsteps that it has left on the sands of time...
1922 Union savings Whatever criticisms may have been levelled against the scheme of union amalgamation in Co. Galway, few ratepayers will quarrel with the results shown...
1922 State is recognised At 3.30 on the morning of December 6, 1921, a Treaty between Great Britain and Ireland was signed in a room in...
1922 Posting poor returns Postal rates and telephone charges in Ireland are at the moment probably as high as they are in any country in the...
1922 The ‘pay-nobodies’ The righteous wrath of members of Galway County Council very properly manifested itself against the “pay nobodies” at the meeting on Saturday last....