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RTE brings slice of Little Britain to the afternoons



Date Published: 10-May-2011

If you dropped in from outer space into an Irish living room on a weekday afternoon and you tuned into the national television station to get a fix on what floats this land’s boat, you’d be mistaken to think it was in fact Little Britain.

Because it’s full of programmes about people like Pru and Monty building their massive new homes in the shires or chavs called Debs or Shirley having their toilets and work surfaces dissected by an abominable woman called Aggie.

Welcome to the world of the repeat, otherwise known as RTE’s afternoon schedule and a phenomenon normally lost on those of us lucky enough to be gainfully employed.

These aren’t just repeats; they come from the dark ages of repeat programming – otherwise known as a time when Grand Designs’ Kevin McCloud had hair.

Of course TV3 is no better although they have the very legitimate excuse that they are not in receipt of taxpayers’ money. And even then they at least go to the bother of making their own version of daytime chat shows, with Ireland AM, the Mid-Morning Show and Midday.

Last Thursday for example Midday had Philomena Lynott on as a guest as they discussed adoption from the perspective of both the mother – natural and adoptive – and the child.

Now there’s very little of Philomena’s story left to tell – certainly not since she took to the chat show circuit to promote her book on her son Phil – but presenter Elaine Crowley steered her away from the Thin Lizzy frontman and onto more stories about the other two children she also gave up for adoption.

She talked of the appalling abuse she was subjected to after giving birth to a black baby – her own term – because even in the convent for unmarried mothers there was a hierarchy when it came to degrees of shame.

She talked of meeting with her other birth son and daughter in later life and enjoying a fulfilling relationship with them both – and that was far more fascinating than another story about Philo.

But then TV3 goes for the Oprah Winfrey Show or Come Dine With Me or the Jeremy Kyle Show or some rubbish that was bad enough first time round without subjecting a trapped viewership to it all over again.

RTE has its own afternoon magazine stuff too with the truly mind-numbing Daily Show leaving you without the will to live long before Maura Derrane even comes on to rescue the whole thing.

But they seem to have a bottomless pit of old British TV tat to dust off every hour, with Grand Designs – already available to fans all day long on Home if you have Sky or every evening on E4 if you don’t – How Clean is Your Home, Doctors or Aussie soaps like Neighbours or Shortland Street.

For more, read this week’s Connacht Sentinel.

Galway Bay FM News Archives

Galway has country’s largest population of young people



Date Published: 07-May-2013

Galway has a population of young people which is more than twice the national average.

According to information gathered by the Central Statistics Office, Galway’s population of 20 to 24 year olds is more than twice the national average.

The number of 25-34 year olds in Galway is also more than the norm nationally, with the two main colleges thought to be the main reason.

However immigration in Galway is much higher than in other areas at 19.4 percent, compared to the national average of 12 percent.


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Galway Bay FM News Archives

Call for direct donations to city charity shops



Date Published: 07-May-2013

A city councillor is encouraging people to donate goods directly to charity shops.

It follows allegations of thefts from clothes banks in Galway and across the country in recent months.

However, cameras are in place at some clothes banks and surveillance is carried out by local authorities.

Speaking on Galway Talks, Councillor Neil McNeilis said the problem of theft from clothes banks is widespread.

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Galway Bay FM News Archives

Galway ‘Park and Ride’ could become permanent



Date Published: 07-May-2013

A park ‘n’ ride scheme from Carnmore into Galway city could become a permanent service if there is public demand.

That’s according to the Chief Executive of Galway Chamber of Commerce, Michael Coyle.

The pilot scheme will begin at 7.20 next Monday morning, May 13th.

Motorists will be able to park cars at the airport carpark in Carnmore and avail of a bus transfer to Forster Street in the city.

Buses will depart every 20 minutes at peak times and every 30 minutes at offpeak times throughout the day, at a cost of 2 euro per journey.

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