Connacht Tribune

Road pleas fall on deaf ears



Residents and local public representatives on the dangerous junction at Balrobuck near Headford. From left: John Farragher, Gerry O'Shaughnessy, Stephen Ford, Councillor Pete Roche, Joe Shaughnessy, Padraig Ford, Councillor Andrew Reddington, Padraig Fahy and John King. Photo: Johnny Ryan Photographer.

Consistent pleas for safety work along a deadly stretch of the Galway to Headford road continue to fall on deaf ears – despite repeated warnings from local Councillors that they are fatal accidents waiting to happen.

Instead a traffic count is to take place along the main N84 to determine the number of vehicles using the stretch from Ballindooley to Clonboo – even though the local Councillors say they are well aware of the increased volumes using this road in recent years as well as where the main danger points are.

An animated Cllr Mary Hoade told a meeting of Tuam Municipal Council that local voices had been ignored over the years – and she was furious that two junctions in particular, at Grange Cross and Balrobuck, were not included in the new roads programme.

“It is very disappointing given that this has been raised time and time again. What do we have to do to be heard?” she asked

“There needs to be an immediate safety audit carried out that these two junctions along with consultation with local residents in order to see how dangerous they are,” a visibly irate Cllr Hoade added.

Cllr Andrew Reddington (FG) welcomed the appointment of a Road Safety Inspector specifically for the section from the outskirts of Galway City to Clonboo and has been in regular contact with her.

He also welcomed the traffic count – but he said that this situation has been dragging on for years, and going nowhere.

“It is positive that the Safety Inspector has visited the junctions but much more needs to be done before there is a fatality,” he said.

For more, read this week’s Connacht Tribune.

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