Road closure goes ahead despite huge opposition
Locals have lost their battle to put the brakes on plans to close a road near Athenry to facilitate the construction of a bridge on the new Gort to Tuam motorway.
The R339 between Cartymore and Cashla officially closed last Tuesday and will remain closed until Monday, April 11.
There was huge local opposition to the road closure from local residents and businesses – Galway County Council received about 500 submissions opposing the temporary move.
As well as the submissions, up to 50 residents and business owners last month protested at Cartymore Cross, Casla prior to the decision being made.
There was a Garda presence at the protest.
SISK, the contractors, sought permission from Galway County Council to temporarily close the road to facilitate the construction of a bridge.
The company circulated a letter locally explaining the decision to close the road for three weeks on the Monivea to Galway Road between Cossaun Cross and Raftery’s Cross.
“We have scheduled the proposed closure to coincide with the Easter holidays so as to minimise disruption to school traffic. The emergency services will be consulted and contingency plans will be put in place,” SISK said.
The company said that a three week closure would be “less disruptive overall” than the alternative of three months of a single lane ‘stop/go’ traffic lights system.
However, many locals weren’t happy.
In early February a delegation arrived at County Hall with up to 500 submissions opposing the road closure. Residents claimed the road is used by around 7,000 vehicles every day and that the alternative being put in place will involve a nine-kilometre detour.
Some local business owners, and self-employed people, fear that the closure will impact on their trade.
Sinn Féin Senator Trevor Ó Clochartaigh said: “People are worried about the impact on their businesses. It is going to involve a nine kilometre detour which is not acceptable. There are concerns about whether emergency services could get access if the road is closed for three weeks and there are also fears that the closure might be for longer than three weeks.”
The order closes the section of the road at Caherateemore South from its junction with the Castlelambert Road to its junction with the R347, Athenry-Tuam Road at Coosaun Cross.