Connacht Tribune
Residents win court battle over waste transfer station
Residents in Ballinasloe have won a major legal battle to prevent a controversial waste transfer station on the outskirts of the town.
This week, the High Court ruled that Galway County Council had erred in granting the Waste Facility Permit to Barna Waste earlier this year – mainly on environmental grounds.
Campaigners against the dump were outraged at the decision to grant the permit to operate the waste transfer station at Poolboy in Ballinasloe, claiming that it opened the door for a toxic dump.
Residents held a number of public meetings under the umbrella of the Ballinasloe Says No group, and decided to seek a Judicial Review – arguing that the development would have a negative impact on the River Suck Special Area of Conservation.
In the High Court this week, Mr Justice Seamus Noonan ruled that Galway County Council had erred in issuing the Waste Facility Permit and acted contrary to the requirements regarding the conservation natural habitats and of wild flora and fauna.
And the Council also failed to assess whether the activities authorised by the Waste Facility Permit, individually or in combination with other plans or projects, is likely to have a significant effect on the European Sites prior to its granting.
The 15 residents who brought the legal proceedings through their solicitor Gearoid Geraghty were also awarded the costs of the action against Galway County Council.
See full story in this week’s Connacht Tribune.
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