Residents fight to save mature trees at Westwood



Galway City Tribune – Residents living near the former Westwood Hotel are desperately trying to save mature trees on public land from being felled as part of the Dangan site’s redevelopment into student accommodation.

NTM Capital (formerly Ziggurat) was granted permission in September of 2018 to proceed with the construction of five apartment blocks as a Strategic Housing Development.

A handful of trees have already been removed along Thomas Hynes Road close to the entrance to Tudor Lawn, as part of the construction work for the 394-bed development, which is ongoing.

Despite locals’ objections, Galway City Council has confirmed that the trees were felled with its full permission, and in compliance with planning permission.

There is another row of a dozen or more mature trees further along Thomas Hynes Road, which are ‘for the chop’ but locals want to save them.

Clifton Crescent residents have written to the Council to plead with Brendan McGrath, its Chief Executive, and its planning office, about their concerns. The Green Party’s two new City Councillors have been contacted, too.

“I am anxious that the mature trees on Council property alongside Thomas Hynes Road should not be interfered with. The five-storey block will be overlooking my home and these trees are the only things affording me any modicum of privacy. Five healthy trees close to the entrance of Tudor Lawn have already been removed,” wrote one concerned resident.
This is a preview only. To read the rest of this article, see this week’s Galway City Tribune. Buy a digital edition of this week’s paper here.

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