Connacht Tribune
Pubs in panic over rules on reopening
The County Galway head of the Vintners’ Federation of Ireland (VFI) has branded the new guidelines for pubs serving food as unworkable and illogical – while its Galway-based national president has yet to decide whether it is worth reopening his pub at all.
Cllr Joe Sheridan, chair of the County Galway VFI, has lambasted the delay in issuing the guidelines for pubs, saying they are causing unnecessary stress for publicans who are struggling to get work done in time for Monday’s reopening.
“These guidelines are not about common sense – they’re not logical and are not workable for the sector. We’re seven generations in the pub game and I can tell you they weren’t drawn up by anyone who works in it,” he fumed.
The national president of the VFI, Monivea publican Padraic McGann, said he is still unsure about whether he will reopen next week. The pub has been selling takeaway food for two months of the lockdown.
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