Breaking News
Public engagement strategy on midwifery led care in west north west hospitals
Galway Bay fm newsroom – A public engagement strategy is to be drawn up to determine the level of support for midwifery led care across the west / north west hospital group.
The director of midwifery services, who will take up the post this Summer, will be responsible for co-ordinating the strategy.
Regional opposition TDs have claimed the review will lead to downgrading of services and possibly unit closures such as the unit in Portiuncula Hospital
The board of the west/north west hospitals group has welcomed a discussion on different service models including midwife led units co-located with existing obstetric units.
A director of midwifery services will be responsible for co-ordinating a public engagement strategy which will shape the future development of services.
A full stakeholder consultation with existing maternity hospital staff across the group will also take place as well as a review of the maternity workforce in line with current standards.
No decision has been made about the reconfiguration of services and there are no planned closures of maternity services.