Breaking News
Public consultations on Galway Property Tax rates
Galway Bay fm newsroom – Galway County Council will be inviting submissions from the public shortly on whether it should reduce or increase Local Property Tax rates.
Galway City Council is already accepting submissions under the ‘Local Adjustment Factor.’
The ‘Local Adjustment Factor’ allows for an increase or a decrease of up to 15%.
To consider reducing the rate of Local Property tax, both councils are obliged to hold 30-day public consultations.
It’s estimated that a county-wide reduction of 7.5% would cut the county council’s income by around 1.2 million euro.
County councillors will consider their options at the September meeting.
Meanwhile, Galway City Council is currently accepting public submissiohns on the rate of LPT in the city.
The deadline for submissions is 5pm on Monday, 18th August.