
Private operator to manage new Knocknacarra centre



The Knocknacarra Community Centre at Cappagh Park looks set to be managed, long-term, by a private ‘specialist operator’ that has expertise in running similar facilities.

In a report to be presented to Galway City Council on Monday, Director of Services for Recreation and Amenity, Ciaran Hayes, has come down in favour of tendering for a specialist operator to manage the community centre.

His report recommends: “The procurement of a specialist operator to operate and manage the Knocknacarra Community Centre” and that the “remit of the company be extended to the operation and management of the proposed Ballinfoile Community Centre”.

The Ballinfoile centre hasn’t even gone to construction and so in the meantime, Mr Hayes has proposed that City Council staff who currently work at Renmore Community Centre and Westside Community Centre would operate the Knocknacarra Community Centre in the interim until the specialists are appointed. A temporary transfer of staff would allow the facility in Knocknacarra to open in mid-August.

Mr Hayes’ four-page report appears to rule out two other management options. The City Council took out a loan of around €3 million to build the facility and as part of the loan conditions the local authority is prohibited from having an ongoing financial burden for running costs. This, coupled with the staff recruitment embargo, rules out Council staff as long-term operators.

City Councillor Donal Lyons (Ind) this week said there were concerns in the community about the preferred option being recommended. He said that a private specialist operator could result in groups being ‘priced out’ of using the facility.

For more on this story, see this week’s Galway City Tribune


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