Connacht Tribune

Power nap holds the key to a productive end to the day



Dave O'Connell

A Different View with Dave O’Connell

The truth has finally come home to roost for all of those Government Ministers caught on camera, dozing during Dáil business from the comfortable seats of the Dublin Convention Centre.

They’re not sleeping; they’re just resting their eyes, recharging themselves for the rest of their busy day – and in doing so they’re ahead of the rest of us who didn’t know that forty winks was the key to a more productive day.

Because scientists from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China have found those who take a little sleep after lunch subsequently perform better on tests designed to assess their cognitive ability than non-nappers.

In particular, the power-nappers, once they woke, went on to display better verbal fluency, working memory and orientation, according to the researchers.

This must be some consolation to those of us who can drop off like we were hit by a bullet, and can then accidently wake ourselves with one of our own snores.

It’s been said before that you know you’re knocking on a small bit when you doze off during the evening news and wake up during Reeling in the Years – and you can’t tell the difference.

My own late father had a way of falling asleep while reading the paper (he was tired, not bored) but if you tried to slide the pages away from under his folded arms, you’d find he’d respond like a cat protecting his young.

For more, read this week’s Connacht Tribune.

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