Planners ask developers to address construction concerns



The City Council has asked the backer of plans for a new residential and office development on the Monivea Road to draw up proposals on how to deal with asbestos, noise and construction traffic.

Green Way Estates sought permission last month to redevelop a five-acre site encompassing the former Heneghan’s nurseries, Ballybane House and Rosapenna (already demolished) on the Monivea Road.

The plans involve the construction of 52 houses, offices and a medical practice and dental practice, as well as parking.

However, planners have said that “significant concerns” have been raised by a series of neighbouring objectors relating to construction and demolition work; disposal of asbestos and traffic.

“Significant concerns have been raised on file, in relation to the potential negative impact that may arise as a result of construction/demolition works on site, with particular regard to the disposal of asbestos, noise, dust, construction traffic and operating hours.

“Whilst it is acknowledged that this issue is normally agreed as a condition of planning permission, given the number of submissions received on file, it is considered that this issue should be reference at this stage.

“The application is therefore asked to submit a construction management plan (framework only) relating to the proposed development.”

The applicant has also been asked to address concerns over construction and demolition works on the site, “with particular regard to the structural integrity of the existing party boundary walls on site and with regard to structures located in proximity to these walls”.

Planners noted that the redevelopment would lead to significantly improved security on the site, but queried how rear garden access points would be managed, because locals raised concerns.

The Council has also queried how the proposals would comply with the new City Development Plan (2017-23) zoning, which states that 75% of the land could be allocated for residential use and the remaining 25% for commercial use. The local authority points out that the residential element appears to account for 78.7%.

The Council has asked the applicants to demonstrate how the proposals comply with Development Plan requirements for communal open space and ‘home zones’ (shared spaces designed for pedestrians, cyclists and children where traffic speeds are reduced through design).

“Given the high proportion of the residential site that is proposed to be used as a home zone, there is a significant concern with regard to the potential negative impact that could be created as a result of unauthorised parking outside of designed areas,” the Council said.

A conservation architect must prepare a report on Ballybane House – which is currently occupied – to assess its architectural heritage and archaeological significance, although it is not a Protected Structure.

An assessment must also be carried out on the benefit of retaining Ballybane House versus building a new dwelling.

Green Way Estates has six months to respond to the Council or the application will be deemed to have been withdrawn.

The company is headed by John Carmody and John Harty, and is owned by Siobhán Fitzgerald of Clarinbridge; Michelle Kelly of Kiltrogue Castle, Claregalway and John Carmody, a director of Michael Fitzgerald Construction Ltd in Gort.


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